About Me

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Portland, Oregon, United States
Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dear Roger: Meandering Along, The Song Is Still The Same

The kids are finally back in school! I may or may not have done a naked happy dance around the apartment to loud and inappropriate music shortly after they both left, but neither me nor the cat are gonna tell that. I have been trying to keep busy and my doings have mainly been walking all over hell and gone as the weather has allowed, applying for every job online that I am even remotely qualified for, and reading, as well as rearranging and and obsessively cleaning the apartment, so as you can tell, I am just a little stir crazy and bored. It doest help that we are hella broke again and pretty much financially cut off from any kind of fun, but we do out best to keep things light and happy. I had to get the kids some school clothes, and due to me being able to cash in some rewards from my old bank account, I was able to get Chance his football cleats as well as his jock and his mouth guard, so he is all set. He got his physical and met his new doctor who is a really cute young chick! After he got over the initial mortification of a young chick seeing him in his boxers, he actually opened up to her and talked to her a little and she was able to get him to discuss some things I have never gotten him to talk about. He will start actually hitting the hard practices on Monday, and I would be a liar if I said I wasn't worried, because truthfully I am terrified, but I cant keep him wrapped in bubble wrap. He has mentioned soccer a few more times and the coach has been nudging him pretty hard,(the guy must know a ringer when he sees him), so I still have hope. He is looking forward to really getting into the singing and he is also possibly getting put into the drama class as of yet! Hes a man much in demand, and though some of the culture of the school kinda freaks him out, he is adapting. He has told me he gets stared at by both girls and boys, and thats a little odd for him, and one girl came up and shoved him off a bench and said,"You are too pretty and your eyes are freaking gorgeous and its freaking me OUT!" he told me he wasn't sure if he was being hit on or if he was fixing to get hit.
His little sister has already made quite the impression in her class and is making friends fast and furiously. She plays with all kinds of kids from all different ethnic groups, and she has commented that a couple of them,"sound different" and that kinda makes me laugh because I do not know why but getting used to hearing the Russian accent up here is the toughest on me for not giggling and I blame damn cartoons. Every time I hear someone speaking with a Russian accent I immediately flash to Rocky and Bullwinkle and its just all I can do not to giggle and say ,"Moose and Squirrel!"Its stupid and immature, but its just and immediate reaction, kinda like some British accents take me right away to certain Monty Python skits and then I am just done for when it comes to talking to or listening to that person. Its funny how certain things and characteristics about people just either creep me out, tickle my funny bone or inspire other more ...interesting reactions from me. I have an absolute weakness for a man with curly hair and dimples. It just makes me stupid, kinda like too much liquor. I end up looking at them like a pup looks a something new and interesting and I just get charmed. They could be a serial killer for all I care and I would just think,'Awww, look at em! Aint he darlin? I just wanna pinch em!" siiiigh. Its truly my kryptonite.
Nothing much else has gone on lately. Im still hopelessly single, not even a prospect of a date. I did get flirted with by a cop, but he didnt follow though and though I smiled and waved back, he just stood there smiling at me like he was frozen in place. I am hoping at on one of my daily walks I might run across someone, but up here in the white-bread suburbs, I kinda doubt I am going to find anyone interesting.

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