I am not the kind of person who scares easy, I hope I established that earlier. I absolutely love horror movies, and I find the unusual and bizarre and creepy, to actually be interesting. I was reading Stephen King by the time I was 11 years old, and for the most part still sleeping with the lights off years later. The only movie or book that has ever kinda rattled me was,"30 Days of Night", but Hey, YOU try being a single mom, snowbound out in the country with no one around, and have to go out at 2 o'clock in the morning to get firewood in the middle of a blizzard after staying up and watching that damn movie! But I did find out that I could make it from my wood pile to my front porch in a couple of really fast superhero style leaps with an armload of firewood. I have had some weird experiences in my life, some things have happened that have left me shaking my head going,"Should I tell anyone about that?" and then deciding,NOOOOOO, not if I ever want to get a job or laid or taken seriously again, so I have just filed them away as one of those things that happen when one is tired or stressed or simply wishful thinking. Not alien invasion kinda stuff, I have never seen anything like that, but my family history is rife with weird stories that perhaps left me open to noticing things that perhaps others tend to not be as attuned to seeing or hearing. My own great-grandma was told by a gypsy woman in Illinois in the Depression Era, that she had stopped to pick up out of a rainstorm, that our family was protected by Indians that our ancestor had done right by, and to this day, none of our family, or our loved ones, have died a violent death, no matter how hard they have tried! Everyone has died of natural causes or disease process, even surviving car accidents, war, and assaults that perhaps should have resulted in death.
I am not sure which way I stand on hoodoos and such, but I do know there have been times that I have felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up and my guts spin and my heart race and I just knew that something was not right about a place or a person, and my dog Ferg, seems to have the same sense about people. When I was dating, there was one fella that Ferg just did not like. When this guy came around he would growl and stalk about and do his best to come between the guy and me, and it just sent a clear message to me that there was something,'Not Right" with the guy, and I quickly found a reason to not go out with him anymore.
My Basset Hound,Finnegus, is an easygoing and happy dog unless he is trying to bully the much bigger Ferg, out of some treat or away from my lap, but lately he has started doing something that freaks out not only my 8 year old son, it has started to kinda disturbe me as well.
Now, I am used to my cat acting a little twitchy, after all, she lives in a house with 4 large, drooly, rampaging, beasts from hell, and then there are the dogs to consider, so when she goes shooting down the hall with her hair all poofed out and eyes all wide and staring, I just figure she found her lost stash of catnip and is on a well deserved bender. I am used to her all the sudden popping up and staring off into space at the side of the bed, or doing the cat stretchy thing where she rolls around like her belly is getting rubbed, after all, cats are just weird. But dogs are the more sane of household critters,usually, I cant really include the little yap dogs and such in this though, because they arent what I consider dogs, they are more like rats with a gladular problem, but DOGS< real,"protect the house and family", Mastiff, hound, whatever type dogs are typically not the type to stand in the middle of the hall wagging their tails and happily barking at freaking NOTHING!Finn has also started just all of the sudden trotting off down the hall with his tail wagging, and I find him curled up on my bed like he owns the damn thing, and when I go to lay down he hops down and lays on the floor on the weird side near the door or he goes into the kids room. But today was the icing on the cake, he was in the kids room, staring the the dresser,(the one Ed slammed me into)barking his head off and wagging his tail, and Ferg came into investigate and he whined at the door, turned around and hauled ass down the hall, leaving me wondering just what the heck is going on in my house? Do I have an insane dog?Is there something going on in my house, an nice gothic haunting would suit me...after all, I have all the makings of a good ghost story; tragedy, poverty, rural setting, a slight tinge of insanity, and ill just bet that if i found a willing sitter I could go out and wander what passes for moors around here.
Its been a long day, I fell on my ass again first rattle out of the bucket and I think I jarred my brains loose along with what fillings I have left. I spent the day working on the house again, moving stuff from here to there and trying to get ready to paint and disassembling furnishings and re-decorating my living room and doing laundry. Ahh, the glamorous life! On the bright side, when my eldest son told me that he wants to be an actor, I did not freak out! In fact, the first thing that crossed my mind was ,'Thank God he didnt say Politician!!" He is a good looking and smart kid, and I can see him making it, but as a psychotically protective mother whose first thought when someone hurts her kids feelings is,"How badly can I kick their asses?" I have to wonder, How many Hollyweird asses will I have to kick?
I am finding my New Years Resolution of "No Dating for the whole year" a real bummer. Valentines day slid past and as usual there were no Valentines for me, no chocolates, no flowers, no cards, and damn sure no romance, but a little bit of me wished for it deep in my heart. The high part of the whole week for me is going to be the release of 'Law Abiding Citizen" on video so I will finally get to see Gerard Butlers butt.I miss romance, and though my kid teases me about being a ,'twilighter"(whatever the hell that is), I kinda get what all the fuss is all about, those books are all about the romance and things that seem to be out of reach in the normal grind of daily life.
Further adventures of a middle-aged,misplaced Texan.Writings about pretty much whatever comes to mind in the form of letters to my Uncle Roger,(never mind the fact Rog has been dead for close to 20 years),My tales are often funny,but also grim and often irreverent. I write how I talk and if you dont speak Texan/Southern or are easily offended,then step off.I chase younger men and am a proud boot wearing,daughter of Texas.
About Me

- Calamity
- Portland, Oregon, United States
- Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.
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