About Me

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Portland, Oregon, United States
Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.

Blog Archive

Friday, December 3, 2010

Dear Roger: Death Dreams,Strap Ons and a 6 Toed Cat

Well as you can see by the picture, I finally just went a bought me a damned guitar. Couldn't really afford it, but couldn't really afford not to because I was getting a bit buggy without something to pluck around with. Chance and I have been taking turns with it and so far it seems to be working out okay. I am still writing like crazy, in fact, I am just taking a bit of a break from the story to reconsider a part of it and to allow my brain to just rest a bit. Its hard to rehash so much of the things that went down, though Chance claims that I have been in a much better mood since I started writing about it. I told it it feels like finally throwing up after being sick for a really long time. You fight that queasy feeling because you know its going to be bad, you change positions, maybe even eat some bland crackers to try and make it pass, but until you finally give in and just throw up, you dont feel right, and writing this story out is my way of throwing up. I guess I am finally starting to feel better.
Chance and I even joked quite a bit about the guitar and he was even enjoying listening to me trying to start playing again. I am so far out of practice its not even funny, but I plan on spending as much time as I can when I am not writing, getting back into it, because I have 6 songs that I need to set to a tune. I started plucking out the one that really keeps speaking to me, "Over-Privileged ,Dirty White Boy Blues" and the glass slide really made sis freak out. She insisted I was hurting the guitar or doing something wrong, but I guess she just doesn't get the whole Blues style.
Chance and I had quite a debate over putting the strap on the guitar. He is fixing to be 15 years old, so you would think I would know better, but NOOOO, silly me, I tossed the strap at him and said," Son, I need you to put the strap on." The little snot just started giggling and before I could even say anything he said," Thats what she said." Rog! I could not believe it! My 15 year old son made a "strap on" joke to me! Oh my God! I was flat speechless for a minute or two just kinda blinking at him and then all I could say was,"Duuuude, thats just WRONG on soo many levels." He turned red then and said,"Yeah, I know, im sorry, but you gotta admit, its funny." And yeah, it was funny, but maybe if he was 25 and not 15!
Ive been having the weirdest damn dream lately. I dont usually dream very vividly or remember them, but I have had this one fairly frequently and it has occurred several times over the past week or two and to the point that its got me a bit bugged trying to figure out just what the hell it means. I keep dreaming about death, as in mine.
I have never expected to go out all quiet and peaceful like in my own bed or in my sleep, I tend to dance a little to closely on the edge of things for that to happen, but this is so damn clear that got me to actually doing some thinking. In my dream, I am walking up Eastman with my earbuds in and even the song is clear, "Long road Home" and I am wearing my favorite jeans and my fire dept sweatshirt,(which I hardly ever wear because its getting fragile),my leather jacket and my oldest boots, and my favorite black hat, and I have my new Washburn in the gigbag on my back headed back from somewhere downtown when a grey truck jumps the curb at the corner and hits me from behind as I am walking up the hill and spot G standing under a tree at the top of the hill. It was so damn vivid last night that I woke up this morning with my back hurting, seeing his face in my mind again. Its a bit disconcerting to be dreaming of getting smacked by a damn truck when I walk past that very spot today and there is evidence of previous accidents in that very spot. I am not one to go hedging my bets, so perhaps I will avoid that part of the road for a bit,though both of us know if its time for me to come a calling, I wouldn't be sorry to see you.
Ended up with another stray for the time being, someone dumped an odd little 6 toed cat on our front door step so we have taken her in until we either find her a new home or her owners or things settle down. Right now, her and our other cat arent getting along and its wearing us all down.

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