So of course there had to be some drama for my sons birthday,we are no longer allowed to enjoy a simple day to ourselves as a family, with family related things going on, no, for the past two birthdays we have had to deal with the black cloud of a pseudo girlfriend and her family of dysfunction.
I really don't have too much of a problem with girlfriend, she is a product of how she was raised, but she is a manipulative little thing that seems to be able to make my son dance like a trained monkey on a leash like no one else. The couple of weeks he had broken up with her were like the good ole days, he was a happy guy again and a joy to be around, and we all knew the minute she pulled the,"I cant live without you" bullshit she used to get him back because he looked like the weight of the world was back around his neck. The only bright side? I am pretty sure he is starting to break away from her by hanging out with another girl from his school is a dancer,(no, not a titty dancer though even that would be an improvement, a Ballerina), so that's an interesting wrinkle in the situation.
On sons birthday, I was informed that girlfriend was going to bring him a cake and that she was going to be joining us for dinner.I learned after last year to not put much weight into such declarations and I went on about my business of preparing for dinner, keeping my comments to myself, though I made it quite clear, I was NOT going to drive him to Vancouver so he could see her. He assured me that she was coming to our house and I should be ready for an extra at dinner, suuuuure.
I went running around with a friend of mine for a little while and did some shopping for some things and then I arrived home to find son in a particularly foul mood. He informed me that his girlfriend was NOT going to be coming for dinner,(no, really? Wow, I'm shocked), she had texted him and told him that her father was not going to bring her because I am a,"Damned Sinner" and he doesn't trust me around her.
Whoa...say what? Does he think I am going to sacrifice her for a virgin or something because considering he has 2 other kids who both had kids out of wedlock before they were even 17, I'm willing to bet that ship has probably already sailed. (Catty, I know, but let me give you some backstory on this crew), and then we will talk some more.
This guy...he considers me a,'Damned Sinner" because I support gay rights. I don't go to church and I have issues with my faith. I am very open and honest about that.I have been though a lot and I have my doubts about a lot of things, but I don't force my issues on my kids and I send them to church. One of his relatives found out about what I write,(that was a really fun day), and they confronted my SON about it IN CHURCH. My kids didn't know about what I wrote until then, thanks to them, everybody knows now. Nothing like being outed as a writer of Gay erotica and other things to your teen son in front of his friends in church. I wasn't even there and that's probably a good thing because I would have gone to jail. These are the same people who told my little girl that I was going to go to hell along with her favorite boy and his band,(have no idea what the hell they did to set them off), and most of the things and people she holds dear. The only thing that kept me from going over to this guys house and kicking him in the dick is the fact I don't have a car and he lives in Vancouver with the kids of his that haven't attempted suicide recently or who aren't currently locked up.
Last night, I actually saw my son finally reach his limit with the crazy. He made other plans with other people after they stood him up,(again at the last minute because I am a sinner), and right as he was getting ready to walk out the door, his girlfriend texted and asked if he was able to leave to go with them and his response back was,"NO, Im busy being a sinner too."
Can you tell I am a bit pissed off? I didn't choose the church my kids go to. I never intended them to continue at this church for a long time, I wanted them to maybe for a year, get a good feel for the doctrine and then move to another church and see how it was different, but then son got tangled up with the crazycrew and its been all downhill from there. Another good thing about the move for me and my daughter will be the fact that she will have to change churches. Shes a child of faith, and she can flat throw down a prayer like no ones business, but I really don't like the social makeup of the church she is attending. They are all about the financials and a lot less about service to others and compassion. She is a compassionate child and my son used to be. We don't have the same social beliefs as the church they are attending now, and we damn sure don't have the hypocritical attitude.
He didn't go hang out with her today either, and I have my hopes that he has finally seen the light, but I am not going to hold my breath, this "Damned Sinner" has learned that the boy doesn't seem to think too clearly when it comes to women, though I am really rooting for the dancer, shes the one who made him the snow globe and asked him to the Winter Formal and who has told him to, "get over himself" more than once. Gotta respect a little chick that and shes a local so I would at east be able to keep an eye on things.
Further adventures of a middle-aged,misplaced Texan.Writings about pretty much whatever comes to mind in the form of letters to my Uncle Roger,(never mind the fact Rog has been dead for close to 20 years),My tales are often funny,but also grim and often irreverent. I write how I talk and if you dont speak Texan/Southern or are easily offended,then step off.I chase younger men and am a proud boot wearing,daughter of Texas.
About Me

- Calamity
- Portland, Oregon, United States
- Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.
Blog Archive
- Dear Roger: If You Give A Kid A Monkey
- Dear Roger:Decisions and Revisons
- Dear Roger: Monkey In A Box, Duct Tape and Rabbits
- Dear Roger: Wash The Monkey! Please?
- Dear Roger:What I Think About Today
- Dear Roger: And So The Crazy Begins
- Dear Roger: Things I Cant Give Her
- Dear Roger:Cast That First Stone, I DARE You.
- Dear Roger:Werewolf Birthdays
- Dear Roger:Love You Long Time
- Dear Roger: As If Life Wasn't Interesting Enough
- Dear Roger:The Wheel That Spins Us All
- Dear Roger: Where Did The Time Go? Can I Get A Rew...
- Dear Roger:Keeping it Reality?
- Dear Roger:Observations,Realities and Accepting th...
- Dear Roger:Inspirations,Motivations, Writing Jags ...
- Dear Roger: Keeping Things Interesting On The Home...
- Dear Roger:A Sure Sign Of Insanity
- Dear Roger: Pretty,Pretty Shiny Shiny, All Are Wel...
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