About Me

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Portland, Oregon, United States
Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dear Roger: Changes and Adaptations

Spent most of yesterday moving and I have a feeling that I will be spending most of today recovering from it. I still have more stuff to move, including my couches and the entertainment center, but thanks to the help of my friend, we managed to get most of our stuff moved. It was exhausting! I was amazed at all the stuff we have managed to acquire in the year we have been here. The amount of daughters monkeys alone was shocking.
The new apartment is nice. I have discovered that stone tiles are really damn cold in the mornings and are great for assuring that I am wide awake before I attempt to make my coffee. I start my new job today, its an informal day of just showing me the ropes and letting me know what the expectations are for the position. I have managed to make friends with the manager somehow and she has said that she wants to teach me how to be a leasing agent so that I might perhaps someday take over my own complex. Its an intriguing proposition,it would be a career opportunity that would allow me to be able to move around some and there are always jobs. I will have daughter trailing after me today, so I wont be able to stay too long,and my official first day I think is Sunday, but I am excited all the same.
Son has a job waiting on him when he gets back from camp. Word has made it around the elderly community in the complex that he is a trustworthy and polite young man, and those who aren't in the best of health and unable to do things like get their trash and recycling out easily, have decided to hire him to help out. A lady who is the ringleader of the elderly/disabled here in the complex caught up with me yesterday and asked if he could be hired to help out several of those less able and I, of course, offered him up. She told me that there are quite a few folks that need help, and he will likely be pretty busy, so that is a good thing. His good reputation and Southern manners have paid off for him.He also has a pretty damn good work ethic when it doesn't involve keeping his own room clean, so he will do well.
I got all the decor put up yesterday. I couldn't just leave it be with the blank walls so with that finished and all the kids beds set up and made, I was able to finally crash out and sleep like the dead last night.I think we have finally started getting ahead, at least I hope so.
We have basic cable again and that made daughter happy. She is back to watching her painting shows and the other odd stuff she catches on PBS, so at least she is happy. I had been watching movies on my computer and seeing things that I hadn't watched in years, or even movies that I had avoided for whatever reason. I would pick an actor a night and watch whatever Netflix had to offer, which in most cases, wasn't much. I did see a few David Thewlis movies that were pretty fantastic, though they left me wondering if he ever makes it though a movie alive or unthrashed? I went on a Brit Flick bender and that was fun. The British are amazingly willing to indulge in full frontal nudity, and that was a bit of a win! I take seeing a good looking man naked where I can get it, though I do believe that more than a few of those fellas could make do with a meal or two.
Today was the last shuttle flight landing. It was the end of an era for not only the country, but for me as well. So many memories wrapped up in that venture. The trip to Houston and the Johnson Space center that I took with the Math and Science Club, seeing the Columbia explode and remembering the silence that fell over the school as we watched it on tv in Mrs. Maxtons classroom. So many things have changed for the world since then. It just keeps moving forward as well it should.

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