About Me

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Portland, Oregon, United States
Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dear Roger: Monkey Surgery and Writing Jags

Im writing again. Yeah, I know I write to you pretty much weekly, but I started writing another story. Its actually a sequel to one of my more popular stories, and yeah I am being a total candy assed wuss by sticking with the fic genre and not trying to just develop my novel and take it out of the realm of characters that have a developed fan base, but I was getting a lot of requests for a sequel for that story and it really fit best in that world. Excuses, excuses! I know, but hey! At least im back at it. I've been pretty shocked and humbled to see all the hits the story has gotten. In one month, all my stories got over 7000 hits! I couldn't believe it. I was soo freaked out I actually ran into the living room where son was asleep on one of his mattresses on the floor in front of the tv, and I may have jumped up and down on the foot of his bed yelling and whooping and about getting all those hits to my stories. Son was a bit unhappy with me at first, but he got over it pretty quickly and congratulated me. I'm steadily working on more chapters to load every other week or so, and I have other stories that I have been working on that I might finally finish fleshing out and do something constructive with, or I might just work on the type that is the most popular and end up cleaning it up, un-ficcing it as has been strongly suggested by some friends, and submitting it as a series of short stories to some publishers. I dont know if I will ever develop the juevos that will allow me to do that, especially without you around to nudge me into it, but I like to think that I would have back when I was younger and more able to withstand having my pitiful efforts ripped to pieces.
I worked some pretty awesome mom-fu the other day, I managed to repair daughters,"Jackson". His sewn on smile had come unstitched and she came unglued, crying and upset that he was falling apart. honestly, the poor thing has been all over hell and half of Portland. Drug in and out of bags, pockets, from around necks, its made trips through her brothers underwear when she has made him angry and he tortures her by stuffing the monkey down his pants to horrify her,(poor monkey has a permanently startled expression for a reason),the cat has molested it in ways that really just boggle the mind and will likely horrify her further when she is old enough to understand what was going on during those,"Wrestling" sessions. Anyhoo, I consulted with people in the know as to what should be done, and they recommended snipping off the pulled thread from the smile, and then restitching over with new thread.I have no problem snipping any monkey that is going to be around my daughter, but I had to wait until she left for church to keep the freakout on her end of things down, so once she was gone, I got that done, but then...I couldn't see the end of the damn needled to thread the mismatched thread I was going to have to use because I was out of black thread. Luckily, I had a black sharpie! Jacksons smile is now back to its normal, maniacal, self and she was none the wiser.
The new job is going well and I am liking it so far. The boss tells me I am popular with people,(so far), and I guess I am doing okay at it.

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