About Me

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Portland, Oregon, United States
Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dear Roger:Unscrewing The Screwed(And I Dont Mean Screwed In a Fun Way)With Limited Tools

I fucked up. I think it is my martyr complex masochistic tendencies that led me to do it, but do it I did and now I am so totally fucked that I dont know what I am going to do to begin to unfuck it without resorting to some kind of destruction of the epic kind.
When my worthless, albatross, ne'er do well, couldn't hold a responsible job if his life depended on it always looking for the next get rich quick scheme, makes the step father in the movie,"This Boys Life" look like a saint, EX, lost the house in Flag and ended up homeless, I figured that it was his own damn fault, he had the cheapest house payment in Arizona and almost no bills, he could have gotten off his ass and gotten a real job but he thinks working in places like Wal Mart and whatever are beneath him, so instead he loaded up all the stuff that he thought was important and he headed my direction, getting my sons all excited because even though he is a bastard to them half the time, they don't see him as a problem, hes their father and they love him. The dont care that they hadn't had decent clothes or shoes or a Christmas of things like that when he had them, he bought them soda and ice cream and let them play video games all day, all things I cut out when they got here.
He sold everything out of the house to fund his trip here, all my appliances, my furniture, my decor and my books and things that I had collected over the years, all he put in storage was a couple of my paintings and a couple of my antiques I threatened to end him over if he sold. My things were sold, his junk that he collected and hasn't even used in 10 years, he brought with him, along with a dog and a cat that he knew we couldn't keep.
He arrived right before Thanksgiving, creating as much drama as he could, and right away I got made the bad guy because the dog had to be found a new home, which luckily it did, a great home, much better than he had ever given it. All his junk was just piled into my sons room even though he swore it was just for a week or so and then,"Things were gonna happen". Thats been then story ever since.
The things that have happened is that my stress level is through the roof. I let him in because my sons begged me to for the holidays. I felt sorry for him because he was homeless even though he had been given a home and everything. I wanted my sons to be happy, so I let in a man who I put in prison for trying to kill me just 4 short years ago. Im on edge all the damn time. Hes supposedly got a good job that is going to make him the money to allow him to take over this apartment so I can move down to a neighborhood with a better school for gifted kids, but I have seen no progress. He hasn't brought in any money.Imagine, no child support and instead supporting the 280lb food blister that makes shitty comments about you constantly.
I was sitting on the couch with my daughter the other night looking at dresses on the Betty Page website, he walks by and says, "I dont see why you are looking at those kind of dresses, you could never carry them off."
10 years of that shit. My daughter looked at him and said,"That was a mean thing to say to my mommy." He told her, "Well, its true, your mommy is not girly at all." My daughter just glared at him and hugged me. And he wonders why she looks up to other men?
He comes in from working this supposed job, eats food, leaves his plate on the counter, and then goes into my kids room and sleeps on my teen sons bed. My teen son has been relegated to the couch which means the living room is unusable once he needs to go to bed and its become tense over that. Getting him to help is getting harder and harder and last night was really bad. He had been helping with Spencer a little because he likes dogs. He was eating the last of the dinner and Spencer needed out, in fact had been bugging him pretty hard, he ignored him to mess with his iphone and Spencer wet in the floor in the dining room and he tried to yell at my son. I got in the middle of it and told him that while I had also worked all day at a job that paid actual money and contributed to the support of the family, I had then come home and cooked dinner and cleaned house, my son had watched children all day and had taken the dog out several times, while he, he had come in, sat down and eaten the last of the food and done nothing but complain. He just whined,"Well Im sorry I come in tired!" God knows driving around and sitting in a truck looking at Facebook is hard, I guess he doesn't realize we can see him?
I have to get shed of this cancer. I don't know how to do it. I moved a thousand miles away, gave him everything and didn't ask for anything except peace and quiet, and I cant even get that from him. I refuse to continue to support him. I only support the ones I love and he is not even within that galaxy. I just have to figure out how to unfuck what I have so badly fucked up, and yes, it is my fuck up. I made the classic mistake that I used to see as a cop, I allowed the bastard back in, now I have to get him out, even if I have to take my kids and move again to do it.

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