I am considering getting pierced! hehehe I cant even say it without both giggling and wincing at the same time, but this is MY midlife crisis right? Soo, to go along with my hunt for a much younger boyfriend, I need some interesting bling and I thought what is a better conversation starter than the outline of a couple of rings where there shouldn't be? I talked to my sis about it because after all, she was the first to get anything other than an ear pierced in the family, and she told me she was gonna tattle on me, but I am a grown assed woman and its not like my momma or daddy can do a damn thing about it. I am also adding another tattoo on the back of my neck before I get the big one done, so I might as well have more fun. That will take me up to 7 tattoos up top, with most family only knowing about 3 of them(oops!)and if I get the two piercings on my chest, I may also have my tragus re pierced at the same time for the hell of it. Sis says it hurts like hell, but im not worried about that, not much of an issue with me. Im working on getting things in fighting shape and hopefully once things cool off for the winter, my skin will get back to normal and stop thinking we are going back through puberty! I am broken out so bad all over my body I look like I am actually going backwards and I really wouldnt want anyone to see me naked because its scary for me to see. My doctor was just like,"Oh well, you lived in Arizona for so long your skin is going to need time to adjust and it will take time." Til then, I just keep my clothes on and hope like hell I catch a break pretty soon.
Further adventures of a middle-aged,misplaced Texan.Writings about pretty much whatever comes to mind in the form of letters to my Uncle Roger,(never mind the fact Rog has been dead for close to 20 years),My tales are often funny,but also grim and often irreverent. I write how I talk and if you dont speak Texan/Southern or are easily offended,then step off.I chase younger men and am a proud boot wearing,daughter of Texas.
About Me

- Calamity
- Portland, Oregon, United States
- Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.
Blog Archive
- Dear Roger; Hippy Tea, Control,Cooking Texas Style...
- Dear Roger:You Know Its A Good Week When You Get T...
- Dear Roger; Tank Girl,Selective Hearing and Sabotage
- Dear Roger; Lost On Wild Thing Island? Nah, Thats ...
- Drudge...A Work in Progress, but my computer is fr...
- Writing sample....
- Dear Roger: Meandering Along, The Song Is Still Th...
- Dear Roger;My Sister Claims I Am Adopted, Someday ...
- Dear Roger; When I Close My Eyes
- Dear Roger; I Got Checked Out! But She Wasn't My Type
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Dear Roger:You Know Its A Good Week When You Get Told You Are Going To Hell More Than Once
Hehehe, Ive done it again Rog! Managed to upset sensibilities and offend those narrow minds and leave people wondering just what side of the sexual bread I butter things on. You would think that after giving birth to 5 damn kids,whining pretty much daily about what a drought of pecker I have been going though, that people would finally grasp the concept that I am straight! Weird,a bit into the S&M side of things, but STRAIGHT! Jeebus! But I am also a staunch defender of other folks rights,(as long as they are consenting adults) to love pretty much as they see fit. I responded to a comment about a Lesbian nurse being kicked out of the military that was posted on the Facebook page of a friend of mine from back home.No one else had said anything to the positive or the negative, so I took a stand and I said I was glad she had been reinstated to the military and I was glad she had gotten her benefits back, she EARNED them and they were hers. I stated my case,and I spoke my heart on the matter in a very public forum and I waited. I knew I wouldn't have to wait long, and I was surprised to see that I had gotten 4 people right off the bat that liked my comment,and then BOOM! I started getting the emails from the others."What are you gonna do when God comes", 'You are a sinner" (well duh, I never disputed that one)and the ever popular,"Dyke, you are going to hell". Okay, thats kinda offensive and it irked me, but I blew it off because those folks dont know me, but it really bothers me that people are still so damn narrow minded. I dont want to know about anybodies sexual habits.I dont wanna see it,(well, thats kinda a lie,because there are a couple of really hot young fellas that unh ...just do such wrong things to me mentally and seeing them naked,but NOT TOGETHER! NO!! would be wonderful) but to me, sex is private. I dont even like to see people kissing heavy in front of me(again, those guys,again not together) and my odd little predilections and desires would probably make most people feel really nervous, but to each THEIR OWN. So while I believe that homosexuals are in fact different, almost like a 3rd kinda blend of things,I dont wanna see it., just like I dont wanna see most anybody else bumping uglies. I do have a bit of a complaint with gay men though...why in the hell do so many of them have to be so damn good looking? Its just not fair.I have lost count since I have been up here in Portland of all the times I have seen a drop dead handsome,make me fall over my own feet,good looking man,only to see his equally devastatingly handsome partner with him! Its enough to make you just a little crazy. A friend of mine said she is a gay man in a womans body, and after seeing all the guys, I can see why!
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