My son scoffs at me, he considers me hopelessly socially inept, introverted to the point of misanthropy,(true), lacking in a fashion sense,(debatable), and overly passionate and devoted to the most unlikely and odd of pursuits. I embarrass him, and frankly there are times I am a bit embarrassing to myself, but I am a recluse so its not like I am in public often enough to endure the stares and questions very often.
Thirty years ago I was given a book that changed my life. Its a book that I can quote the beginning line of from memory. I've had the faces of the characters in my mind for years and I have read every single book of the author, looking for clues and tie ins to the story. In one week, he will be publishing another part of the series and that has made an otherwise crappy week about a million times better for me. My only regret is that I really wish I had someone to sit in a coffee shop with and rant about the book for hours on end, but I don't. I will buy it alone, read it alone, and then sit and contemplate its ramifications for the characters on my own.
Finding someone to "geek out" with would be so nice, but I'm used to just reveling in my little pleasures on my own at this point. Ill try talking to my son about it, but like he does with most of my passions, he will listen politely for a few minutes and then he will fidget, roll his eyes and then find some reason to be elsewhere. He doesn't understand the excitement over a book.
My youngest son sort of gets it, but hes too young to really discuss the nuances of all the plot twists and tie ins with. I am going to buy him the first book and let him start the series, but I don't know if hes even old enough to grasp the whole journey. I hope someday he will and then much like me, he will look back with fondness and remember the person who gave him that first book and think about how wonderful of a journey they were set upon.
My daughter fuels my passion and devotion to the music I follow, and its her love and devotion to that little band that drives me. We mourned the break up and remained stalwart in our belief that there was something,"Not right" in what we were being fed and we refused to believe that the smiling little fella was the bad guy. We were right and we have joyfully watched him slowly re-emerge along with his partner in crime over the past few days and there is hope on the horizon that music might live again. My daughter even heard from Jerad, and her shrieks of happiness brought me running, thinking that something bad had happened. She was ecstatic, and quickly responded and watches each day to see if her Jackson will ever talk to her again, but that fact that he is talking again, to her is reason to celebrate and geek out.
We wear the t-shirts, the hoodies, the bracelets, we speak the language, we unabashedly proclaim our love of them and the side bands and we promote them, even when our hearts are aching from the break up. When people look at us with a blank stare when we try to explain to them who they were or where they might have heard of them, we out ourselves as views of a movie that gets us teased and categorized with overly hormonal tweens or mid-life crisis, sexually deprived housewives in need of a hobby,(im no housewife), but when that tie in works and we see the lights of recognition flicker on in the eyes of the person we are talking to, we then break out the music on the Iphone.
Enthusiasm...daughter has it in spades. I do to in the right setting. I can talk about the books I love with a passion that leaves my voice shaking and that brings tears to my eyes. Maybe its because Stephen King inspired me to write. Hes someone who, in spite of whatever political leanings he may have,(don't know, don't care, know he tends to piss people off), all those years ago, he created a world that pulled me in and inspired me. He has always inspired me because he has struggled and come from nothing and he made it. He also lets the dark side roam and it serves him well. I wish I had his nerve because I look at the things I write and I long to set them free in better places than they languish, and my eldest son harangues me daily about,"Doing something" with them, but I lack his nerve, but his nerve is what fired me years and years ago. I didn't write for such a very long time and then two years ago that odd little band lit the fire in me again and almost 480thousand words later, I have over 10 novel length stories that have been set free.
Things have been changing very rapidly this past week, and in a couple of days I turn 43, and shortly after that, "The Wind Through The Keyhole" comes out. Maybe its time I start trying to get serious about turning my hobby into something.
Further adventures of a middle-aged,misplaced Texan.Writings about pretty much whatever comes to mind in the form of letters to my Uncle Roger,(never mind the fact Rog has been dead for close to 20 years),My tales are often funny,but also grim and often irreverent. I write how I talk and if you dont speak Texan/Southern or are easily offended,then step off.I chase younger men and am a proud boot wearing,daughter of Texas.
About Me

- Calamity
- Portland, Oregon, United States
- Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.
Blog Archive
- Dear Roger:For What It Was Worth, I Was Here
- Stevie Rae's Commentary On The 100 Monkeys
- Dear Roger: A Low High
- Dear Roger: Shock the Monkey
- Dear Roger:Plausible Deniability
- Dear Roger:Owning My Nerdiness
- Challenge Accepted- For One Brief Shining Moment, ...
- Dear Roger: Religious or Not?
- Dear Roger: Weak
- Dear Roger: Feeding Strays
- Dear Roger: Its All About Sex
- Dear Roger :Battle Weary
- Dear Roger: Explain Yourself, Weirdo!
- Dear Roger: Monkey On My Back
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