About Me

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Portland, Oregon, United States
Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dear Roger: Rising Mojos,Hipsters, and the Strong Desire to Junk Punch a Giant

Finally! My desire to write has started crawling back. I have gotten some really good ideas lately and I have jotted down a few notes here and there. I think I may actually sit down and put a few chapters to bed by this weekend if I can ever get my daughter to stop inundating me with "Hey Mom!" 500 times an hour. I swear to God she has said that soo many times this past few weeks that I twitch unconsciously in fear.She is always asking me the most bizarre questions or telling em little tidbits of kid trivia that really have no relevance on my life, but she insists that I need to know that Yuri has a purple shirt with a tear in it, or that Jackson simply must have a white bow tie for picture day on Friday. Yeah, thats right, I am going on a hunt for a bow tie for a stuffed monkey for school pictures so he matches her dress.
The new idea I have for writing involves my daughter and her monkey, so I guess I cant complain. There is a plethora of material there, and its not kiddie book material, I am actually thinking either young adult or adult, and maybe even semi comic style. I would have to work on my sketching, and with my damn hands not cooperating half the time, that would be difficult, but some of the visuals that I get from those two are funny as hell. I love the fact that she has the imagination to maintain such a odd bond. None of my other kids really clung to a stuffie or an imaginary friend like she has, but then again she has been through so much in her young life and she is a more sensitive child, maybe this is her way of dealing with all she has been through. I dont know how much she remembers of the day her father put the straight razor to me. She was in the room, she saw everything. She has been through losing all her friends and most of her things and her brothers and soo much. I feared she would not do well at all, but she has persevered and clung to her Jackson through all of it. I think that if we lost it, that might be a problem, because I have seen the touches of hysteria that rise out of her when he is missing in th house. I hope she will eventually outgrow him, and he will find a place on a shelf as a fond memory, but for now he is as much a part of the family as any of the rest of us and she expects him to be in pictures appropriately outfitted.
My social life is still a desert wasteland. I had been getting flirted with by the cutest guy and I had such high hopes that FINALLY! I was going to meet someone who was not only hot, but who was actually good looking,TALL, and not freaky looking. He finally came over to talk to me yesterday and we were actually having a nice conversation, joking about all the cliche pick up lines and such and the oddness of meeting in a coffee shop. Hes an engineer,(EMPLOYED is a definite plus) and soo cute close up for a giant,(probably around 6'6-6'7) with curly reddish brown hair and green eyes with dimples, so I was totally smitten and just all giddy and wrapped up in talking to him when my friend came walking up after getting coffee from the barista. She had a look on her face that told me something was up so the conversation petered out and cute giant excused himself to go back to work and of course I found out from my friend, who found out from the barista that cute giant is not only married, he is a bit of an obsessive creeper that is best kept at arms length. FML.
I am just going to buy a economy pack of batteries, find my best picks of the hotties I like to look at and call it good. I wish I could import a nice young guy, like a male order bride and grow him up right, but thats not possible, so I will just invest in Duracell and my imagination.

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