About Me

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Portland, Oregon, United States
Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.

Blog Archive

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dear Roger: As If Life Wasn't Interesting Enough

So yesterday I was telling you about daughters little video that I sent off to her favorite fella? yeeaah...I didn't think anything of it, he is busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest and he has soo many people vying for his attention that I didn't even dare to think that her little video was even going to cross his radar, so I was going about my business yesterday morning, sitting around being lazy, drinking my coffee and reading a, uh ahem...story? when my Iphone tells me a priority tweet hit. I picked it up off the coffee table thinking it was either my bestie Chels wanting to know if I wanted to go for coffee or the band boys talking about all the excitement over in England. Oh yeah, it was one of the band boys all right, THE band boy daughter thinks hung the moon and lit the stars. Not only did he see her video, what I was looking at was his tweet of the link to it with a description of it as the "Best Birthday Gift Ever" and thanking her for it. I dropped my damn Iphone in shock, thank God for good cases and soft carpet.
I may have shrieked...I dont know, but Spencer jumped, the cats fled the room and then things really got crazy. My twitter feed went nuts, my email started blowing up and I just was standing there with my teeth in my head for a few minutes before my Texan kicked in and I remembered my manners. I typed in a polite,'Thank you " to the young man and sent it off and then realized I had to tell someone in RL other than the dog how awesome this was because I just knew my daughter was going to lose her ever loving mind when she got home from school. I watched for a bit as the numbers on her video started climbing and I was dumbfounded, good Lord...My little girl has sand like none of us has ever had. I would have never had the guts to do that, I am still freaked out that I helped her with it, but she was very sure about what she wanted to do and how she wanted to do it, I was worried though that she would be freaked out that soo many people had seen it, so just a little bit of dread hit for a bit.
I called up my sis and talked to her and she was more reassuring and convinced that God had played a real joke on me by giving me Stevie as a daughter,(girly girl), when I flounder on the best of days to not shave my head in frustration and and am more prone to jump into a brawl than some men. Stevie makes me try harder to be civilized and that, I think, is good, but I hope I am not failing her.
I got all kinds of emails and tweets and facebook comments in support and love for her little video and I was busy all day saving them up for her, but the main one, the one from him, I marked that as a favorite and set it aside so she could see it when she got home first thing.
I watched for her bus and Shortround got home first. I told him and he was excited and happy for her. I swear, if his mom cant keep it together, I am going to adopt him. Hes a great kid and hes good for my son, making him spend less time texting his black cloud of a psuedo girlfriend, and more time actually going out and doing things. The way he invades my sons personal space and forces him to be more social, cracks me up, and well, he has done the same damn thing to me. The kid is a hugger and I've been hugged more in the past week than I have in the past couple of years. I've learned to deal. Hes needed them because things have been pretty rough in his life. Hes started calling me,"Mom #2" Weve spent a lot of time taking about his situation and things, and he knows it will get better, and that he has a place with us for as long as he needs, my main rule is that he has to actually eat some real food, check in with me regularly, go to school and be here at night. My son watches out for him at school and walks him home and to school, so I think we have it handled . He helped me get the computer set up so when she got it the tweet was right there for her to see. We both got hang dog expressions on our faces and pretended we had some bad news for her,(fucked up, yes, I know) and as she shed her jacket and backpack and sat at the computer, I got my camera ready. It took a minute for it to register and when It did I was glad I was standing back. The "OH MY GOD's" were deafening. She was soo happy he actually saw it she jumped up and hugged me, her brother Stubby, Shortround, Spencer, and then she raced through the kitchen half a dozen times shrieking, "Im soo happy! I love him soo much!" She was buzzing for HOURS. In fact, the voice of doom finally had to be broken out at 1130pm to get her to finally go to bed and go to sleep. She had gone on a painting jag and had painted half a dozen new ideas that were mostly hearts.
Looking over at her now, she is snuggled up in her bed with her monkey under her arm, and a slight smile on her face, her day, her week, her month, her year, made again thanks to a kind young man taking a few moments from his hectic life to make a child's life so much more bright.
The video view count this morning was over 903....good Lord.

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