Its been yet another stressful week. I woke up at 3 am today, sick to my stomach and stressed out of my mind, so damn angry and upset I was making myself actually sick to death. Seriously, I had chest pains and I puked my guts up. Rog, you and I both know what an ominous fucking sign that is for someone like us. Those who tend to have hearts that explode from stress in their mid-40's? yeah...Well, the cause of it was resting peacefully in my sons bed after making my baby girl miserable. He had called her a brat (amongst other things),told me she was a problem child and mean to her siblings. Really? And what had they done to her to piss her off? I had come in from work and found her subdued and sitting on her bed, mopey and not herself at all. He had threatened her Jackson again after making fun of the boy himself earlier in the day in front of her, and it was just more of him being him.He was showing no signs of budging and it was going to cost us our home, my job and if things kept on, things were going to spiral to where they were before, it was already getting that stressful.So, this morning, I got on my best crazy eye glare and I went in and I utilized every little bit of,"Unless you want me to kill you in your sleep" craziness I could muster, I told him,"You need to go. You need to go NOW."
There was little more than that to it. I guess he finally realized I had reached my point and he packed his crap, and doing is level best to make everyone feel sorry for him, he left. Hes living in his van as far as I know, telling everyone how evil I am for only allowing his woman and child abusing ass to stay for free for over 2 months. I really don't care. I've been called worse by better.
Speaking of killing you in your sleep and things of that nature...
The whole SOPA thing really blew up this last week and we managed to get enough of a word out about it that the smart politicians,(is there such a beast?) was really putting their careers at risk trying to take down something so valuable to soo many. But what is odd to me, while I get the supposed intent,"Protecting the poor starving artists from pirates and down loaders" the subterfuge that was written into that bill was chilling. I agree that those who copy movies and music and deprive the artists of financial gain are a problem and should be dealt with, but that bill was like, as one person put it, trying to deal with cat who peed on the bed by blasting a box of kittens with a flamethrower."
Much of the music I listen to and BUY today, I would have never heard of or given the time of day if some pirater hadn't recorded them, uploaded it to youtube before it went neutered, and then sent me that link to that weird little song that makes homicide sound so damn cute and catchy. Seriously, I wouldn't have given them a shot mainly because I was of the opinion that all bands that had actors in them sucked by default and were lame and uncool and couldn't possibly be talented.I would have patted Stevie on the head and considered her just another Beiberite wannabe, and that would have been that, but nope...I clicked on that link and I thought, WHAT THE HELL?
Then later I heard more uploaded songs that left me thinking the same thing about the same time I realized that them boys were kinda purty and that maybe my daughter had the right idea. Soo, I ordered a couple of cd's from them,(and maybe bought a few of the lil dudes movies), and I started paying attention. Then, even well, of course there were t-shirts, and more movies we stumbled across and that concert. We didnt have two dimes to rub together, but we BOUGHT tickets to a concert to see a band that I would have blown off as a bunch of douchey kids once upon a time. We had been telling people about them which led to buying their stuff as Christmas presents for friends, supporting their side projects, including helping fund the release of a movie they made, then more music was bought, then a side band was born and needed love and with that came HATS!their causes were supported and that involved much more music and money. It would be cheaper to have just adopted 5 extra men.
When I borrow a book I love, I often go out and buy it for my library.When I see a movie I like? I buy the dvd so I can watch it anytime, and when I get out of the stone age, I will buy the digital downloads. Most of what I have spent money on in the last few years, I would have never heard of if not for the internet because I dont have cable tv. I dont go out to the theaters often, and when I do, its often because Stevie has dragged me to see something Jackson is in or its a Harry Potter thing, so I dont see very many trailers. I dont get the paper at home and I dont socialize because I am a "misanthropic asshole" to quote my ex. I work hard for the money I have and as I writer I know it sucks to get your ideas ripped off, but you dont call in a carpet bombing on your position to eliminate a problem, especially when there is so much friendly fire potential. Maybe I am over-simplifying the issue, but I know this is how myself and many others out here in the big ole net saw it, and I am glad I have those cute little weird guys in my life along with all the others that the ripple effect they created has helped to support.
Further adventures of a middle-aged,misplaced Texan.Writings about pretty much whatever comes to mind in the form of letters to my Uncle Roger,(never mind the fact Rog has been dead for close to 20 years),My tales are often funny,but also grim and often irreverent. I write how I talk and if you dont speak Texan/Southern or are easily offended,then step off.I chase younger men and am a proud boot wearing,daughter of Texas.
About Me

- Calamity
- Portland, Oregon, United States
- Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.
Blog Archive
- Dear Roger: Arrogant Much?
- Dear Roger: Equitable Distribution of Affection
- Dear Roger: A Swift Kick In The Ass Is A Good Kick...
- Dear Roger: "Zombified"?
- Dear Roger: Pirate Monkeys
- Dear Roger:Well Isnt That Special?
- Dear Roger:Monkey Mission...Possible? At Least In ...
- Dear Roger: Is Somebody Trying To Tell Me Something?
- Dear Roger:Unscrewing The Screwed(And I Dont Mean ...
- Dear Roger: May You Have One Just Like You
If it helps, I don't know a single writer (myself included) who wasn't 100% up in arms about SOPA. It wasn't designed to protect us. It was designed for massive media corporations and those who want to control the flow of information to and from the masses. Sleep peacefully - we word smiths are on your side.
ReplyDeleteI thought so, Jess! I have had some of my ideas and short stories ripped off and I know it stinks, and who is to say that one of the stories I have out there right now is not making someone some cash via Amazon or some other 'Publish your own" enterprise I haven't tracked down yet, but I am getting better as a writer and its all part of the price we pay as people who put parts of ourselves out there for consumption by the rest of the world. SOPA and pretty much everything else Lamar Smith has come up with are BAD.