It has been a busy week around here. I spent most of Friday at Doernbecher Downs Syndrome clinic with Sticky as they gave him a good going over and evaluation. I was pleased to discover he is at perfect weight and is considered above average intelligence for a child with Downs, so I was very proud of him. He was a bit of a handful though be cause there were scads of pretty young ladies wandering around and since he entered puberty, he is all about the ladies.
Its a bit disconcerting having an almost 12 year old with Downs.He still requires supervision in some places such as the shower because he finds it highly amusing to coat the bottom of the shower with his brothers fancy body wash and then go sliding around, or he will shower with the curtain open. He also likes to experiment with flushing different objects or peeing in unique places, so yeah...supervision is still a must. I try to get his big brother to handle it, but hes not around very much so it falls to me. He finds it amusing to moon me or to show me his latest hairs. Hes growing a mustache to go with his armpit hair and he is very proud of all of it. Who knew boys found such things to be so important? He wants to show it to everyone and its lucky I have very fast reflexes because I barely prevented multiple flashing's.
Teaching him to keep his privates, private is an ongoing task, but he is a quick learner and with the resources that we have found behind him, he will soon be achieving even more.
There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to the albatross,it looks like he is finally going back to Ventura! His uncle had a heart attack or something and needs him to come back and take over his drywall business because they just got a huge job in Malibu and another one in Ventura as well as several others in and around the Hollyweird area. While I envy him getting to move to the sun and vibrance of Cali, I am glad he is soon to be gone. I have found another possibility for an apartment down in the area I want to move to and I am going to go look at it on Monday.
I am hoping the apartment will be a better fit because it actually has wood flooring and wood flooring would be a better option for Spencer,(my dog) because apparently he has allergies. Its not enough I have a special needs kid, oh no...I have a special needs dog as well. I have had him to the vet several times over the past few weeks for constant scratching and breaking out in a rash. We had him tested for mange, treated for a skin infection and various other issues, put him on a special diet that makes him smell like fish,(gag), and I have washed his bedding several times over as well as vacuumed a couple times a day to keep any dust mites down.I took him back to the vet today and found that he now weighs a little more than my daughter and he is otherwise healthy except for the fact he is now on Prednisone for his itching. If that doenst stop the rash, we will be trying another treatmetn for a skin disorder that is expensive. If its not one thing, its another.
Im still employed, so far. There has been a lot of upheaval there and im not really happy lately. The new boss arrived late this last week just as I found that the company I work for is trying to charge me a $75.00 late fee for $5.00 discrepency in my rent. I underpaid one month by 25.00, realized my mistake and brought in the other money, paid $20. and then $5.00. The 5 didnt get recorded by them in their records for some reson so I had to track down the reciept and prove I paid it. I did that and then they sent me notice that I owed them $75.00 because the $5.00 was late. I dont know, to me that seems a bit excessive considering I pay the office electric bill without compensation and I have handled lockouts after hours without charging them for it. This may be a deal killer for me if they force the issue. To me that seems to be a bit of an excessive interest rate, $75.00 for $5.00? Its really made me less willing to put forth any extra effort or to really be enthusiastic about my job or even living here, of course I have been wanting to move for months and this has just really lit a fire under me. Its just not the same around here. I never have been a suburban person and getting moved will be good for me, I am looking forward to being in a new place with new faces and not knowing all the stupidity that goes on around me.
Further adventures of a middle-aged,misplaced Texan.Writings about pretty much whatever comes to mind in the form of letters to my Uncle Roger,(never mind the fact Rog has been dead for close to 20 years),My tales are often funny,but also grim and often irreverent. I write how I talk and if you dont speak Texan/Southern or are easily offended,then step off.I chase younger men and am a proud boot wearing,daughter of Texas.
About Me

- Calamity
- Portland, Oregon, United States
- Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.
Blog Archive
- Dear Roger: Arrogant Much?
- Dear Roger: Equitable Distribution of Affection
- Dear Roger: A Swift Kick In The Ass Is A Good Kick...
- Dear Roger: "Zombified"?
- Dear Roger: Pirate Monkeys
- Dear Roger:Well Isnt That Special?
- Dear Roger:Monkey Mission...Possible? At Least In ...
- Dear Roger: Is Somebody Trying To Tell Me Something?
- Dear Roger:Unscrewing The Screwed(And I Dont Mean ...
- Dear Roger: May You Have One Just Like You
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