Well, Well, Well! Its just been a busy little week around here now hasn't it? I swear if one more person asks me how my little girl took the news I am going to just issue a press release for her. She was ecstatic. In fact she bounced, a lot. I don't think I have ever heard the word ,"Cute" stretched out soo far. Shes not quite 8. Shes not going to be heartbroken, she loves that boy more like a father figure than anything else. The only thing that got her upset was seeing some of the ugly things people were saying. That made her cry. She doesn't understand why people get upset at things they have no damn business getting upset or involved in. Only people have any business saying anything would be parents, not random fangirls. I finally blocked a few people and kept her off the net for a bit. I managed to distract her by allowing her to start playing with filming things, and unfortunately she likes interviewing and questioning me. She begged and cajoled me into allowing her to film me for a few minutes and her and her older brother uploaded it to my YouTube account. I gave in and posted it to Facebook so my family could see. Its the first they have seen or heard of me in over a year. I'm still the family black sheep so im not sure how it will be received.
My son gave me the raised eyebrow over this whole bit of drama that transpired over the past few days and he finally said,"Well, im waiting for the lecture about how you would cut them off and wear them for earrings if I ever did anything like that." I just smiled at him and said,"My work is done." But then we really did have a talk about things and how really, I am not one to judge. I brought home a Lebanese Shiite Muslim for my 1st husband and it lasted for 5 years before we divorced and then I had a kid with and Iranian rocket scientist who I didn't marry.I was a train wreck through the 90's with one failed relationship after another and alcohol was my best friend. I have lived my life reveling in being the black sheep, the weirdo and the tattooed, pierced, difficult child of dubious sexual proclivities. I was lucky to not end up at the bottom of Lake Ray Hubbard, I ran with a man who met 13 of Hares 21 characteristics of a serial killer in the mid 90's and I ended up with a son out of it and in hiding for 14 years. I was a cop who could out drink Marines and who partied with Hells Angels and I had a death wish that came damn close to getting granted a few times. I have known very nice, wonderful, classy people that I feel honored to have called my friends and I have known stone cold killers that still leave me wondering why they left me breathing. I drank, screwed and fought my way though most of my life, but I never, ever, did drugs and that was my one saving grace. I have spent the years since my kids came along, atoning for my past fuckery and trying to be a better person. I don't have much faith in God because God has always seemed to enjoy taking away those I love and need the most, when I most need them, so I tend to have a hate/hate relationship with him, but I don't share that with my kids. I send my kids to church and my daughter seems to have landed on his good side.She prays a lot, mainly for that boy, and often for me, but never for anything for herself. She is truly a decent kid. My son tells me that because I have always been very open and honest with him about what I was like as a kid and the mistakes I made, that he actually has learned and from it and he doesn't want to make those mistakes. I'm a good, bad example and I am good with that.I tell him not to judge, people have lives that they keep quiet and don't share with the world for a reason. Lots of people don't understand why I do the job I do, but i am not my job, its just a means to an end. Its not who I am. My kids are who I am and what I am all about.
My son tells me that hes glad hes able to talk to me about things and that his friends know they have a safe haven here. Things are coming to a head with one of his friends and I am going to end up caught in the middle and its going to be terrible, but I wont see a kid on the street because hes gay. The parents are very conservative religious to the point they have blocks on the tv and internet, blocks on what he has been allowed to read and talk about. His whole life has been strictly indoctrinated to believe that what he is is an abomination and hes at the age where he knows that hes been told wrong.He talks to me quite a bit about things and I know he is stressed and frustrated and deeply angry at his parents. They sent him to a private school thinking it would cut off all contact with the social media and world around him, and instead, it expanded it. He wants more. I've seen him with another boy and he actually looked happy for the first time in years. His father would lose his mind.Hes been hinting at it for years, but I was the first one to pick up on it and when I asked, he didn't deny.I made sure he knew he had support, no matter what. My son seems to be accepting of it, though he has made really sure his friend isn't attracted to him, unlike the other boy who is attracted to my son.Its a huge damn mess and I worry about all of them, but I keep an eye on them and I make sure that they eat and have a warm place to get in out of the cold and that they aren't drinking or doing drugs. I also let them know I am always willing to listen or talk if they need. I keep the booze out of the house, as well as the cigarrets.
It feels sometimes like I have turned into a good two shoes in my old age, I don't drink, and reading the comments and tweets from moms who are home with kids and constantly talking about all the drinking they are doing, kinda freaks me out. I mean, I could not imagine trying to deal with my brood drunk, they would thrash the world. I remind them to stay healthy and to make good choices, much like I try to do myself. Being a parent is a life changing and deeply personal event. It can evoke a change at a fundamental level in a person and it either makes or break you. Mine didn't really occur until my daughter was born and we both nearly died. She was unwanted by her father, I was facing a war at home, and I changed inside. I found my reason, everybody eventually does, and no one has the right to say what form a persons reason will take and when they will find it. Mine saved me from myself and from a doomed life and for that I am grateful every day I share the sunshine with her and the rest of my kids.
Further adventures of a middle-aged,misplaced Texan.Writings about pretty much whatever comes to mind in the form of letters to my Uncle Roger,(never mind the fact Rog has been dead for close to 20 years),My tales are often funny,but also grim and often irreverent. I write how I talk and if you dont speak Texan/Southern or are easily offended,then step off.I chase younger men and am a proud boot wearing,daughter of Texas.
About Me

- Calamity
- Portland, Oregon, United States
- Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.
Blog Archive
- Dear Roger: Having Kids Will Make You Crazy
- Dear Roger: Memories Of Music
- Dear Roger;My Wanderlust Left Without Me
- Dear Roger: Indulge The Monkey Habit
- Dear Roger: Monkey On The 'Net
- Dear Roger: No Meltdowns Allowed In Front Of The T...
- Dear Roger: You Dont Know What You've Got Til Its ...
- Dear Roger: How To Make Your Parents Heads Explode
- Dear Roger: You Wont See Me Picking Up Any Stones
- Dear Roger: Who Picked Out The Color Scheme? Monke...
- Dear Roger: Situation Normal, Back To The Weird
- Dear Roger: Its Always A Matter Of Who Blinks FIrst
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