I actually left the property yesterday and went and had coffee with a friend. Other than brief shopping excursions for necessities such as groceries, its the first time I have left the property in a couple of months. What the hell has happened to me? I used to GO all the damn time. I would never just stay around the house and be a sedentary person. I always have been a bit of a misanthrope, but I would go wandering on my own and go and see and do, but I hardly ever do that anymore. I think its the kids, having kids ropes you down. Having kids with no transportation, and no money damn sure slows the world down for you. It is an ordeal to go anywhere with my crew and since I am still trying to catch up all the financial messes that the ex left for me, it is just not easy to even fathom going anywhere.I want to go to my high school reunion so badly it hurts, but I just don't see how that is going to happen, especially with gas now hitting 5 bucks a gallon. I was planning on driving and making a mad dash through Arizona to collect a few things from storage that I needed to get, but the cost would just be out of my reach, especially with Stevie's birthday coming up and me wanting to really give her a nice one this time around.
She wants to get Baptized for her birthday. Gotta say, that kinda threw me for a loop. Shes a religious lil kid and I guess that's a good thing, maybe that will counterbalance the willfulness and the temper as she gets older. She is a very strong willed child, I think that goes along with the being super intelligent and the baby of the family. She is rocketing through much of the 3rd grade material in her new school, inn fact its more work for me to keep up with navigating her through all the parental logins and testing controls than it is for her to do the stuff. We have had quite a few discussions on various topics like Manifest Destiny, the Oregon Trail, Geometry and Symmetry, Minerals, and Bullying on the internet. The Internet part has been really interesting for her, she loves having a twitter and a Facebook and so far she has been really good with them. I have tired to make sure she isn't annoying people on there, but there are a couple of people she loves more than a little and she enjoys seeing them pop up in her feed and every now and then she will tweet out at them hoping to hear back, (like the thousands of other little fangirls),and the other night, SHE DID! I about fell off the couch when Jerad Anderson responded to her. Her shriek of happiness about caused her brother to have a heart attack as well and it was very cute to see her beaming face. It was a kind thing for him to do and yet another reason I support that band. She hasn't heard from her favorite boy yet, but she doesn't mind, she knows hes a busy man with a lot on his plate and she just gets excited and happy to see him show up online, and that was what prompted the lecture about bullying. She has seen some of the hateful comments directed towards that boy and his woman, and it distressed her. I told her that, that kind of behavior goes on all over the place because the internet gives cowards a voice that they wouldn't have otherwise. I explained to her about how there are small people with small lives who get jealous of others and the only way they can feel better about themselves is to try and tear down someone who is happy.She has been bullied at school, (until she fought back and started smacking up on people), so she knows that if you stand out or are different, or get attention that other people don't, it makes you a target, so she grasped that really quickly.
She loves having the ability to communicate with so many people and when people talk back to her, it makes her day.
We have been keeping busy around the house tormenting her older brother with a band that is new to us, "GolGol Bordello", the little kids and I absolutely love them, but for some reason, my eldest son cant stand them and it offends him that my daughter wanders through the house singing ,'Start Wearing Purple". Hes been on my case for months to listen to different music, and but the thing is, what he wants me to listen to and what I like are sooo far apart as to not be even in the same galaxy. I loathe Little Wayne, to the point I have unplugged speakers and threatened to throw them out the door into the rain, yet I come home yesterday and I find that for some reason my Youtube is suggesting I would like some of his other videos because I had listened to some of his crap previously? I think its time to change my computers password to something like my daughter has, its long as hell and when he asked for it so he could work on her computer he groaned and said,"Oh no way in hell! Im NOT typing that!" yeah...maybe shes got the right idea. Either way, if I leave the property again anytime soon, it will be with some good tunes in my pocket and hopefully the will to wander just a little further up the road, I think I need to .
Further adventures of a middle-aged,misplaced Texan.Writings about pretty much whatever comes to mind in the form of letters to my Uncle Roger,(never mind the fact Rog has been dead for close to 20 years),My tales are often funny,but also grim and often irreverent. I write how I talk and if you dont speak Texan/Southern or are easily offended,then step off.I chase younger men and am a proud boot wearing,daughter of Texas.
About Me

- Calamity
- Portland, Oregon, United States
- Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.
Blog Archive
- Dear Roger: Having Kids Will Make You Crazy
- Dear Roger: Memories Of Music
- Dear Roger;My Wanderlust Left Without Me
- Dear Roger: Indulge The Monkey Habit
- Dear Roger: Monkey On The 'Net
- Dear Roger: No Meltdowns Allowed In Front Of The T...
- Dear Roger: You Dont Know What You've Got Til Its ...
- Dear Roger: How To Make Your Parents Heads Explode
- Dear Roger: You Wont See Me Picking Up Any Stones
- Dear Roger: Who Picked Out The Color Scheme? Monke...
- Dear Roger: Situation Normal, Back To The Weird
- Dear Roger: Its Always A Matter Of Who Blinks FIrst
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