Further adventures of a middle-aged,misplaced Texan.Writings about pretty much whatever comes to mind in the form of letters to my Uncle Roger,(never mind the fact Rog has been dead for close to 20 years),My tales are often funny,but also grim and often irreverent. I write how I talk and if you dont speak Texan/Southern or are easily offended,then step off.I chase younger men and am a proud boot wearing,daughter of Texas.
About Me

- Calamity
- Portland, Oregon, United States
- Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.
Blog Archive
- Dear Roger,Middle Aged Crazy and Chasing Boys
- Dear Roger, Do Gigolos Have Payment Plans?
- Dear Roger, Is Being Addicted to Reading Treatable...
- Dear Rog, Im 41 Going on 14, I think Its Called a ...
- Dear Roger, I Need a Man,a Motocycle And The Hell ...
- Dear Roger,Technology, Friend? Enemy? Thing that C...
- Dear Roger, Things That I Shouldnt Do Anymore
- Dear Roger,They Call Us Older Women Cougars? Its T...
- Dear Roger,Control Freak?Whats Wrong With That?
- Dear Roger, It Only Gets Stranger
- Dear Roger,Disease,Fire,Apocalypse?No,its just ano...
- Dear Roger, Say What?
- Dear Roger,Getting Sprung
- Dear Roger,My Kids Sell Me Out At Every Chance The...
- Dear Roger, Dating Duracell is not as fun as it so...
Monday, May 10, 2010
Dear Roger,They Call Us Older Women Cougars? Its The Young Ones That Are Predatory!
Rog, you know that saying,"When you have a boy rejoice because all you have to worry about is one dick, because when you have a girl you have to worry about all the rest of them."?Well, I think the worm has turned when it comes to that saying,(so to speak), because the young women of today are waay more forward and seemingly predatory than I ever thought of being, and my son has become the new prey of some of these young ,"Cougars". I am one of those moms that actually pays attention to what goes on in their childrens lives, and as such, I occasionally peruse his online accounts and read through what people write to him about his pictures and while I knew he had been getting hit on quite a bit by a wide variety and age ranges of girls, I was absolutely floored by some of the comments and the suggestive nature that they had.I dont expect him to remain ever a virgin, but for Monkeys sake!, hes only 14, and while I may have accepted the fact he has become acquainted with himself, I am not ready for him to be involved with anyone else, though by the comments of some of the young girls, they are damn sure wanting him to put forth the effort! I realize that teen girls are beasts, and I remember being one, even though my teen years are far,far behind me, but some of the worst are not even teens and where he is at in Texas, they bury young men under the prisons for that kind of mess.Its just amazing all the comments that the girls have posted about my baby, they have called him things like,'Hot" and "Sexy" and other things that made me want to wash my eyes and brains out with bleach, after I went and found the young girls parents and showed them just what their daughter was saying about a boy! I know my son wants to be an actor, and I know its supposed to be a brave new world and all that rot, but dammit!!He has had girls constantly bombarding him with attention since they were old enough to figure out he was a boy, but now it has reached the point if insanity and its starting to really worry me and while I am glad he is a healthy and happy and hetereo, male,(because I know how difficult Robert had it being gay),his phone constantly rings,his web pages are constantly getting comments on them, and girls fight over him! I do not ever remember fighting over a boy, and while there were some I really liked, I never found any worth fighting over, and none worth constantly harassing like he is getting from all the girls, and yet anothe thing I have to wonder is ,'Where the hell are the parents of these girls? Do they not know what their daughters are up to? My small daughter makes one off-hand comment about Peter Facinelli being,"Pretty" and thus she thinks that automatically equals,'Nice" or like an "Angel" and I freak out and turn it into a lesson on how while he might very well,be a nice guy, she doesnt know him and "Pretty" guys are not always "nice guys", and I probably took the whole comment waay beyond what her 6 year old mind ment it, but dammit! Im a mom and thats my JOB! All men are Danger Will Robinson! I love the fact that she still likes being a princess ballerina and Hello Kitty and wearing fancy dresses, yet I am seeing her beginning to develop an edge and that partially having older brothers, partially having a life that hasnt been all sunshine and butterflies, and partially the fact that she is seriously brilliant and fucking Gifted, as in spooky smart. I was talking to her father on Sunday about not being able to sleep, and that my insomnia was making me a little crazy, and jokingly I hummed a few bars of the 100 Monkeys song,"Keep Awake" and she giggled and looked at her dad and in perfect pitch she took off with that song and sang the freaking song to him! I didnt even realize she knew all the damn words in perfect pitch! We both sat there with our jaws bouncing off the floor and she just hopped up when she was done and danced away like,"No big deal". I guess it shouldnt suprise me that she is the lead instigator on the raids in the kitchen and on the chocolate supplies, but she is still my little girl and I will end any S.O.B. that tried to treat her as anything other than my princess, so im the same way with all my kids, this hyper-vigilant, psychotically over-protective, want to keep the assholes, monsters and freaks away from the door, even if they are 10-20 year old females who are chasing my more than willing to comply, 14 year old son. I never dreamed I would be having to find out if the whole,"My parent used to be a cop" thing works on girls.
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