Okay, in getting just a little stir crazy being trapped in the house with the kids and the dogs and the ex, laying low to avoid the POPO who wants everyone to leave even though the fire is not near here, but because it makes their job easier if they don't have to worry about people potentially breaking into neighbors houses and such. I stayed up all night last night and stood fire watch for the family and because my ex for some reason felt perfectly fine with going and getting into my bed and making himself comfortable! So even though I didn't have to go stay with a bunch of dodgy strangers in an over-crowded evac shelter, I did Suffer somewhat after all. I stayed out in the living room, watching weird TV and reading stuff online and checking in to see whats up in the world of my favorite guilty pleasures, and I guess because I was already in a mood or something and feeling a little stressed that my own oldest son may not be able to come home this week after all, I ended up getting into a pissing match with some tweeny bopper over some rude comments she made about the young man who plays Jasper in the Twilight series. I KNOW! I know..., ever the protector and one to start a pissin match over a fella that could give a crap, but thats just how I roll and it wasn't like my social calendar was jammed up with other people to knock heads with in the wee hours, so when she commented on his horseback riding posture and made some other snide comments, I called her out on her basis of expertise and just kinda bitch slapped her around a little, and let her know that I have been riding horses longer than her and the young man have have been alive, so rather than making snotty comments based on her 1 hr a week lessons, I could speak from pretty much my whole damn life and I felt that if he was nervous or uncomfortable, it was probably warranted and smart. Hell, Rog! I had to defend the kid, hes a Texan and I feel like I kinda owe him after perving over pics of him for the better part of the last couple of years. Hes a cute damn kid, and as a Texan, warrants special defense, but Chance thought it was pretty damn funny, and I think he his hoping to be able to deflect some of my Momma Bear tendencies off of him onto anybody else, even if vicariously.
It got pretty weird around here yesterday, the map of the flame from on the forest fire was a real wake up call, it was 2 blocks away from our front door, and I had to keep the windows and doors shut last night to keep the house from filling up with smoke, so it was hotter than Satans ballsack, and then add in that the ex was here and making no secret of the fact that he had things on his mind other than the forest fire, namely trying to get a pity lay out of me! I mean really? I thought he was joking, until I bent over to retrieve some papers off the floor of my room and he was quick to try and show me just how serious he was! I almost elbowed him in the parts, but I figured I needed him capable of ambulation and sane thought, so I just spent the evening ignoring and deflecting his comments. He is so dense sometimes, he would compliment me and then turn around and denigrate the music I like calling it,"Juvenile and undeveloped" and try to talk movies with him? He tells me that he cannot believe that I like a certain actor because he looks like a,'Demented Hobbit", or then he started in on my clothes, telling me that if I was going for getting ,"Shanghai'd on a trap steamer of Lesbians" after I moved to Oregon, then I had the perfect wardrobe. It was really like watching a train wreck unfold, the man has no filter or no common sense if he thinks that is the way into getting any kind of pity anything from me.
Im hoping they life the evacuation orders soon and allow people in a out of the area again, but with the winds we are getting and the difficulty they are having in the terrain, it may be a few days and I am going to end up ,missing my damn doctors appointment and after this last few days I was really needing to have a heart to heart with my doctor about the twitches and headaches, but considering that I hope to be out of here by July 5th and well on our way the hell out of Dodge, it may just have to wait until I find a doctor up in Oregon.
Chance aka Big Son has been a constant nag and worry wart over the past 24 hours.He has called at least every few hours to see if I have changed my mind about evacuating, and when I tell him ,NO", he then proceeds to nag at me for the rest of the conversation until I start talking about Twilight or which guys I find interesting, and nothing gets him off the nag trail faster than me actually sounding like I may actually say the dreaded,'S" word. I once tried to have,"The Talk" with him about safe "S"ex, and the poor kid about had a heart attack and died right over the phone, it was one of the few times he has hung up on me. But someone has to make sure he knows how to protect himself, its not like he has a father to tell him the important stuff.
I think I was a Momma Bear in a past life, I always wanna look after the cubs, even when they don't need it or really want it.Thats why I had to quit teaching that the High School, I worried about my kids too much and so many of them seemed to have parents that either had already kicked them out into the world, or who never even tried, and now I have at least 5 of my kids over in Afghanistan and Iraq, and they are in my mind every day. My ex thinks I over indulge Chance, but I would rather be guilty of letting him know every minute of every day that I love him and I have his back, NO MATTER WHAT, than I would rather living with the regrets of never telling him enough, I live with that already from losing 'G' and you, so hopefully we will find a balance.But Ill tell you, that snippy lil tween heifer is damn lucky that wasn't my kid she was talking smack about...id cut a bitch over MY baby.
Further adventures of a middle-aged,misplaced Texan.Writings about pretty much whatever comes to mind in the form of letters to my Uncle Roger,(never mind the fact Rog has been dead for close to 20 years),My tales are often funny,but also grim and often irreverent. I write how I talk and if you dont speak Texan/Southern or are easily offended,then step off.I chase younger men and am a proud boot wearing,daughter of Texas.
About Me

- Calamity
- Portland, Oregon, United States
- Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.
Blog Archive
- Dear Roger, Movie Premiers Or Why I Dont Teach Tweens
- Dear Roger,I Got A Pair Of Boots Older Than My Las...
- Dear Roger,Cooking Up A MId-Life Crisis On The Roa...
- Dear Roger, For A Suck Ass Week, Things Have Actua...
- Dear Roger,I Think I would Really Be Capable Of Si...
- Dear Roger, Defender of the UnderMonkey! (hes a Te...
- Dear Roger, Floods,Fires,Wrecks,Tornados,Hurricain...
- Dear Roger;Modern Torture Techniques? Hell, I coul...
- Dear Roger;Judge Much?
- Dear Roger,Crash and Burn...Me?Just Ignore That Tw...
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