About Me

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Portland, Oregon, United States
Middle aged crazy, a little on the broken side,been to hell and back and still make side trips into Purgatory to indulge the masochistic side of my personality. I'm Texan,Southern,Over-educated,arrogant, temperamental,oversexed but under-indulged.Chasing after younger men and the happiness that has eluded me for most of my life.Music and literature are my passions.Finally living the dream in my idea of Heaven.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dear Roger,I Think I would Really Be Capable Of Significant Violence At This Point

Rog, I have come to the conclusion that some people are poster children for 'Shoulda been Drowned at Birth", yes, that is not politically correct, no, I never claimed that I was politically correct. If I were the person to catch to stupid sons of bitches that went off and left a camp fire burning up in Schultz Pass on Saturday, I would probably strongly consider doing the world a favor and preventing them from ever breeding and contaminating the gene pool.
My mountains are devastated, my neighbors and my family has lived in fear and apprehension for the last 3 days, and our home will never be the same again, all because some stupid bastards were too lazy to ,make sure that they had done the right thing and put their fucking campfire out properly. If not for the balls to the wall efforts of the Firefighters, people would be homeless right now, myself and many of my friends included. Our forests havent been properly thinned for decades because the Forest Circus has been micro-managed by a bunch of Kum by yah pussies that think every tree is sacred and they might not be able to commune with the bark beetle as well if even one scrub jack pine gets cut! Well, its damn sure thinned now ya fucking dumbasses! But hell, they wont care, they will just pack up their trust fund paid for houses and take their PETA loving asses onto the next state to fuck up,(Probably Texas), and leave the locals here to look at the mess and deal with the mudslides.
Sorry, im pissed and ranting, but I got a clear view of the Peaks today when the smoke cleared for a bit and I actually puked. Its horrible. There is nothing left, it looks like everything up there either crowned and was lost, or is soo badly scarred, it will die anyway. Its not going to come back in my lifetime and I want to fuck somebody up over that!
I used to take my cup of coffee out on my rickety porch every morning and I would sit there and think,"Well, im broke, lonely, sick most of the time and surrounded by liberal Californians, but at least I have the best fucking view in the world", and now I dont even have that.
I threw on my tennis shoes, my ipod and my most arrogant Texas ball cap and funkiest 100 Monkeys t-shirt and I walked the mile down to the Chevron to see if I could get a gallon of milk without getting hooked up by the cops for being in the evac area,(I figured if I looked crazy and ornery enough they would leave me alone), and I needed to just get out of the damn house. The view from the main road was sickening and I just sat on the side of the road and watched the choppers go over with the bambie buckets for a little bit, my hands shaking and tears rolling down my face. The 4 Peaks are the spiritual center to the Tribes and to tell you the truth, after soo long up here, they have become my center as well, and to see them soo badly damaged and hurting, I just wanted to rage and hurt the fools that did it.
My walk cleared my head a little, and I spoke to a few other neighbors who gutted it out, another PTSD sufferer and another Texan, not surprisingly, and we commiserated for a few mainly by just standing there and looking like we wanted to cry on each others shoulders, but all knowing we arent the type to do that., we wanted to jack someone up. I managed to get in and out and get my milk without the media vultures harassing me, though they did give me the,'Look" as if to say...welll there is a mountain crazy, and you know what? They are right!
Chance is in Flagstaff and I cant get him, hes 7 miles from here and the cops told me that they will let me drive out, but not back in, so im hoping like hell they open up the roads tomorrow, or I may just walk my ass into town.

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